Saturday, March 19, 2011

Homemade natural facial scrub

I have been cutting down my use of chemical laden beauty products, as I try to go back to the basics. My skin reached a point where it couldn't take it anymore; I had been breaking out, badly, which was horrifying because never once have I had to go through such a situation, even when I was a teenager. In general, my entire family is blessed with pretty good skin. So I cut out most of the over-the-counter beauty creams, opting instead for organic face creams and toners.

My commercial facial scrub ran out recently, so I decided to make my own facial scrub. I used:

1 teaspoon of organic raw honey
Instant oats, blended to a powder
Lemon juice

Using the raw honey as a base, I slowly mixed in the instant oats till it became a spreadable mixture, and topped it off with a squeeze of lemon juice. I applied it to my face for twenty minutes then used the oats to exfoliate my face before I washed it off.

It feels good to cut all these chemicals out of my beauty routine... I want to start using cucumber pulp on my face eventually too, because it's good for making your skin look and feel like tofu. Mother nature is good!

I've started using blackstrap molasses instead of honey for my facial scrub because I'm trying to get rid of the huge bottle of molasses I bought to bake ginger snaps. I cut out the lemon juice too, so essentially all that I have in my mask are molasses and instant oats. I keep the mask on for half an hour, then splash my face with water and scrub off the dead skin with the oats. To finish, I wash everything off with lukewarm water. You HAVE to do this over a sink because it is going to get messy, and blackstrap molasses stain everything. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now, and I realise that after I wash off the molasses mask, any clogged pores I may have can be easily unclogged. It is pretty amazing. Try it for yourself and see if you get the kind of results I did!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the mention. This is a great resource. Rachel you have shared very nice information on home made natural face scrub. Whenever it comes to taking care of your skin, a natural face scrub is something that you should always take extra caution with.


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