Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Snowymoon's Moisture Treatment

I haven't fixed my hard water problem, and poo bars have been making my hair really dry. I've been avoiding the heavy coconut oiling that I used to do as a hair treatment, because of the trouble I have to go through trying to get the oil out of my hair with the poo bars.

I finally found an alternative hair treatment: Snowymoon's Moisture Treatment from The Long Hair Community forums.

4 parts conditioner
1 part aloe vera gel
1 part honey

I used Renew Skincare Australia's Everyday Nourishing Conditioner because it is SLS, paraben, and cone-free, Fruit of the Earth Pure 100% Aloe Vera Gel, and organic raw honey. Mixed them all together, then nuked the mixture for 20 seconds- when it first came out of the microwave the mixture was watery, but after letting it cool and stirring it a little it got back its thick pre-microwave texture.

Washed my hair with a soap bar because I'm out of poo bars, dried my hair, then applied the treatment. Sat around with it in my hair for about 2 hours, and I've just washed it out. Maybe I've been going with the poo bar and lemon juice routine for a little too long, but my hair feels wonderful. There is that slip I miss SO MUCH from conventional shampoo and conditioners... Kinda makes me wanna go back to them, as much as they are not good for my hair. Sigh. I love this treatment. I'm gonna see how my hair feels once its dry, but if my wet hair is any indication, I'm going to be one satisfied girl.

Update: 06/04/11
My hair is so silky right now that my hair forks aren't holding very well in them! This treatment is definitely a keeper. I'm going to do it at least once a week from now on!

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